RVS Research Conference Presentation Summary

My presentation at the RVS research conference (August 22, 2014) is based on my completed doctoral study guided by the following research question – How do principals cultivate teaching and learning improvements integrating technology that meet the needs of today’s learners?


In the presentation, I provide an overview of the literature based on the conceptual framework related to leading, learning and pedagogy in a digital age.  The research design, data analysis and findings are also discussed briefly. Overall, principals’ technology leadership is a pivotal practice foundational for growth-oriented leadership and instructional improvements in a digital age.


Several prevailing themes emerged from the literature review as interrelated antecedents for educational technology leadership, such as, visionary leadership for innovation; research-informed professional learning; attention to contexts for support; monitoring for continuous learning and growth; and creativity and openness for change.


Information was gathered from principals and teachers in three diverse school districts in Alberta that were in the midst of innovative reform involving educational technology through an exploration of the actions of the principals over a period of one year.  Both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods (selected-response and open-ended survey items) were followed by qualitative methods (semi-structured interviews, observations, artifacts). All principals in the three jurisdictions were surveyed as part of the first phase of the study.  In the second phase there were five schools (considered cases in the multiple case study) involved in various initiatives related to technology integration or leading a reform involving educational technology that agreed to participate in more in-depth interviews.


The online survey used in this study was primarily based on the seven interrelated leadership dimensions and descriptors of daily practice from Alberta Education (2009) Principal Quality Practice Guideline: (a) fostering effective relationships; (b) embodying visionary leadership; (c) leading a learning community; (d) providing instructional leadership; (e) developing and facilitating leadership; (f) managing school operations, and resources; and (g) understanding and responding to the larger societal context.  The survey items invited principals to reflect on their daily practice and how they perceive their role in leading teaching and learning improvements integrating technology.  Additional survey items were used to determine the extent to which principals report the use of social and technological networks to support professional learning.



Even though the survey aligned with the jurisdiction priorities and received approval from the jurisdiction superintendent and research liaisons and any associated research approval committees, the overall response rate (26%) was satisfactory.  What are the barriers for principals in completing online surveys?  Are there too many requests for surveys demanding time of principals? Is it common to fill out surveys and never see any results or changes?  Is it time to let go of the lengthy surveys and replace with one-item questions using social media?


Findings suggested there is a need to improve how principals are prepared for leadership in a digital-age. Overall, the survey results revealed that ONLY one out of three principals selected a high level of performance (can teach other principals) in leading teaching and learning improvements in the context of technology integration. Alberta principals in this study identified their weakest performance level in descriptors related to instructional leadership in the context of technology integration.


Summary of findings:


Question #1: How do principals perceive their role in leading teaching and learning improvements integrating technology?

Finding 1.1 Fostering effective relationships is an area of strength for principals

Finding 1.2 Instructional leadership is an area for growth opportunity

Finding 1.3 Managing school operations and resources is an area of least interest and requires time

Finding 1.4 Inconsistencies in visionary leadership need attention

Finding 1.5 Partnerships are desired (despite absence of descriptors related to this)

Finding 1.6 Recruiting and retaining staff is important (despite absence of descriptors related to this)


Question #2 – To what extent do social and technological networks support principals during an educational reform?

Finding 2.1 using social and technological networks for leadership support and professional learning is an area for growth opportunity.


Question #3 – In what ways does the principals’ conceptualization of their leadership practice change during the diffusion of teaching and learning improvements integrating technology?

Finding 3.1 Promoting open dialogue is an area for growth opportunity (shift from observations to conversations for monitoring student growth)

Finding 3.2 Considering multiple perspectives for informed decision making is an area for growth opportunity (shift from top-down decision making to including student voice in decision making)

Finding 3.3 Facilitating meaningful parental involvement is an area for growth opportunity (shift from ambiguous assessment to transparent assessment and reporting)

Finding 3.4 Fostering technology-rich pedagogies is an area for growth opportunity (shift from technical to pedagogical approaches for tech integration)

Finding 3.5 Understanding and responding to the larger societal context is an area for growth opportunity (shift from teacher-centered to learner centered environments)


Question #4 – How do teachers describe the leadership actions needed to support teaching and learning improvements integrating technology?

Finding 4.1 Teachers value principals who exhibit an increasing level of technological fluency. (growth-orientation)

Finding 4.2 Teachers value principals capable of fostering effective relationships through personalization, trust and collaborative approaches.



Question #5 – How are principals managing the challenges of planning, implementing and sustaining teaching and learning improvements integrating technology?

Finding 5.1 Attention to contexts of support is important in managing the challenges associated with planning, implementing and sustaining teaching and learning improvements integrating technology.



Three key recommendations resulting from the study are also discussed in the presentation: (1) design-based research should be considered for increasing practitioner-researcher partnerships and for intentionally cultivating innovation in schools; (2) technological fluency is needed for instructional leadership; and (3) more study is needed exploring the value of technological networks in supporting ongoing professional learning for school leaders.


At the end of the presentation I ask participants to “tweet-it or post-it” –

  1. What are the questions that remain unanswered for you about this study?
  2. What suggestions do you have for school leaders or for future research agendas?

    PDF of presentation

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