Knowledge Brokering

Friesen, S. & Brown, B. (2024). Knowledge brokering pivotal in professional learning: Quality use of research contributes to teacher-leaders’ confidence. Frontiers in Education, 9, 1-13.

What is knowledge brokering? In simple terms, knowledge brokering can be used to describe a process for connecting research and practice that involves a relationship between researchers and practitioners. This article discusses how knowledge brokering within educational networks can play a role in supporting educators with research. We describe a study with a group of Canadian teachers who engaged in a design-based professional learning series and examine participant’s reflections about their use of research in their practice. We used Rickinson et al.’s (2022) Quality Use of Research Evidence framework as a lens for analysis. Meaningful integration of research in professional learning contributed to teachers’ confidence in their individual practice, as well as their confidence in collaboration with colleagues in their schools, and confidence in having professional conversations with colleagues from other schools, and confidence in keeping abreast of the research informing system level decisions. Knowledge brokering is an important function of professional learning networks and design-based professional learning initiatives. The article is available through open access –


Rickinson, M., Cirkony, C., Walsh, L., Gleeson, J., Cutler, B., & Salisbury, M. (2022). A framework for understanding the quality of evidence use in education. Educational Research, 64(2), 133-158.